

Chunks 21st! - 0

Sam, Me, Chunk, Jim
Originally uploaded by Jonners.
Well before i get into what's been going on, an update on me and Sarah to cut a long story short it's over we're still friends we had lot's of fun and time to move on. Any way been out quite a bit during the week but the best night so far this week was last night it was my cousins 21st birthday he had a party then we went to planet's and actually considering it was only Herne Bay i had loads of fun, got chatting to loads of new people which is always great, my friend Sam's going to see take that tonight i can't get my head round it!


Long Time! - 0

Me, Sarah
Originally uploaded by Jonners.
Hey hey hey, how's it going people's i know it's been a long long time since i last posted the good news is i haven't stopped putting photo's up on my Flickr account so make sure you check em out, well what have i been up to, work's been pretty good lately really feel like i'm achieving something now which is great, personal life is pretty fantastic things are going great with Sarah as you can see, been out quite a bit did a crazy bike ride from Whitstable to Herne Bay yesterday with Sarah which was great really wanna go for another one today, may be going to see Sarah later but we'll see fingers crossed.


Hastings! - 0

Sarah, Abbey
Originally uploaded by Jonners.
Well so far so good this week been fairly good for work, went out for a meal with Sarah and her brother and his girlfriend on sunday night which was really really good, went to see "The Omen" on 6/6/06 which was lush i think it's as good as the original if not better, anyway back to the title of the post going to hastings on sat for 2 nights with Sarah it's gonna be awesome just the 2 of us just so we can spend some quality time together.


Photo Booth! - 0

Originally uploaded by Jonners.
Well sam came round last night and brought the nicest cake ever some apple and cinnamon creation it has a proper name, but it was lush and thinking about it now probably should have taken a picture, anyway sam went a bit nut's with Photo Booth as you do here's a link to the set damn funny i tell ya, had a good night ended up only watching "One Hour Photo" which i still think is totally messed up.


Beautiful Weather! - 0

Mum, Me
Originally uploaded by Jonners.
Well i think summer's arrived it's the 3rd of June and it's finally turned up spent the whole day indoors mind but had some quality time with my new iMac 20" it's absolutely awesome, took this picure with the built in iSight and Photobooth there's loads of crazier ones if you follow the link on the picure. Anyway Sam came round last night to watch Big Brother and have chinese was a really nice night actually i thought things were gonna be weird now i'm seeing Sarah but there not which is great, she's coming round to watch "Brokeback Mountain" and "One Hour Photo" tonight which should be nice and apparently she's been baking so i'll let you know if any Cakes come my way.


Downness! - 0

Aaron & Sam
Originally uploaded by Jonners.
Well went to Sarah's exhibition the other night, was really good, i'd been a few years back and the quality of work has changed so much, really really good stuff, went out last night to the Barn with Aaron, Sam, Louise & Fran, had a good night quite quiet, didn't really want to be there to be honest just wanted to come home tired and what not, but it was nice to see them none the less.